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stan coenders +386 30 455 655
stan coenders +386 30 455 655
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Stan Coenders
Craniosacral Relaxation
Systemic Constellations
Sessions and Education
Alja Zadel
Koper, Slovenija

" ... I always loved to be and to work with people, studied biology, human resource was my first step into a deepening understanding and respect for a diversity that I always loved ... "
"I'm curious and I love people. All their stories, from the past to the future. I do love the feeling of touch. It's amazing to »hear« and to »look« with hands, with touching. It is interesting how the word TOUCH can describe a physical, energetical and emotional state of somebody. Or if you prefere, a spiritual state. I am fascinated by how grateful the body can be without the person doing anything in that direction, with only giving it space and feeling safety and trust, with only »I am here, I can feel you«."
PureCranio works with deep relaxation, assisted dialogue, deep insight, in a safe space, allowing to express freely - towards change