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1994 - 1995: Cranio Sacral And Meditation Society, Belgium - now PCSA Netherlands.

(Practiced in India (Bombay), Nepal (Bouddha), Netherlands, Belgium Scherpenheuvel, Lier, Antwerp)

2014 - 2017: Upledger Institute Germany and Austria,

Upledger Institute Germany - CST1, CST2, SEE1 (CST3), SEE2 (CST4), CST5

Upledger Institute Austria - CST6, Water Cranio

(All levels as student first and after that as assistant; Doing the same class with different teachers is highly recommended!

From 2014 I practiced in Czech Republic (Zdonov), Portugal (Lissabon), Germany (Munich, Dorfen), Slovenia (Ljubljana, Koper), Italy (Padova), Herzegovina (Mostar) and while travelling ... ever so often everywhere.)

""Working in so many different cultural settings, with issues ranging from physical to severe PTSD, often in an acute phase, still remains the far larger part of the schooling I received. After so many years of travel and practice updating of education it became evident; I included the BioDynamic approach while remaining very grateful for the start with the more biomechanic Upledger approach which makes it easier to work with acute cases. Ongoing learning made possible to slide from one modality into the other during a session, while still focused on the request, to integrate the information in the biofield and the larger aura, or to include systemic work, spoken and silent." 

2015 - 2019: Annual 5 Day Intensives with 18 therapists for 5 clients, working intensively together

Upledger Association Austria, Intensive Program, Lilienfeld (3 times)

Upledger Association Germany, Intensive Program Kissleg (2 times)

"Team work for treatment of severe restrictions on massagetable and in swimming pools during 5 days ... amazing results! These Intensives are the weeks and work I really miss since the Upledger Germany and Austria Insitutes went more strict for the Osteopathic Approach; hopefully we can pick it up again in Croatia. I would love to organize it."

2022 - 2024: Systemic Work

Stephan Hausner; Six 2day workshops; Learning Circles 2023 and 2024

(Systemic Work, since 2012 as representant, and from 2015 self educated integration in cranio sessions)


Giving over 50 workshops and self help workshops, inviting participants to assist, to have supervisions, to work together and to teach on a one to one basis, parallel to the regular practice of purecranio and systemic work filled all the available time from 2015 until now and this led to ...​

Cooperations, among many with Alja Zadel in Koper, Kathi Gaigl in Dorfen), in Split with Vesna Stekić, in Šibenik with Davorka Kale.

"I consider Multiple Hands sessions very important; for complex requests, allowing a deeper intensive work, and of course there is the exchange while working. I had many such cooperations, in teams, while teaching and giving supervision ...

Redeveloping Cranio into PureCranio, ​since 2020:

 ... started with the idea that the potential of Craniosacral work in its mainstream application has been underestimated, and in 2024 I still think it is. Shaping PureCranio towards a comprehensive approach is an ongoing development which actually and surprisingly makes treatments more simple, more effective and less in in quantity.

Formulating 'The missing parts in Systemic Work' - addition to classic systemic work in 2024.

"I met with systemic constellation work in 2012 and started to integrate it in craniosacral sessions from 2015 on, I feel that systemic constellations in the classic way are missing certain connections with a reality that is rarely recognized as such. Such constellations have to unfold slow. A potential change will unfold eventually in the client and this needs the time it needs. Regularity in attending systemic work helps."  

Redeveloping Systemic Constellation Work, since 2024:

"More than half of what is happening in most constellations seems to be really missed. I Reconsidered the approach and formulated additions to the classic approach in family constellation work. I tried it in workshops on a small scale and hope to develop it further in 2025. This led me to establish a certain order in a protocol to assess 'the impossible' lesions and tensions.

Workshops are in preparation for 2025:

A constant effort has gone into a development that helps people with long term 'impossible' restrictions to achieve lasting relief, with less sessions. All those lesions do have a function but take unnecessarily too much life tiem and quality. I wish to formulate an even more appropriate protocol with systemic work and purecranio hands on techniques to help clients faster with less sessions. 


Stan Coenders,

PureCranio - Craniosacral Relaxation & Systemic Constellation Work

00386 30 455 655

 © 2020 Stan Coenders,  for all texts and images

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