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Stan Coenders



Since 2021:

Regular practice:

Croatia (Hvar, Split, Šibenik, Zagreb)



1994 (Cranio Sacral And Meditation Society, Belgium - now PCSA Netherlands) - 2019: Practiced in India (Bombay), Nepal (Bouddha), Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic (Zdonov), Portugal (Lissabon), Germany (various locations), Slovenia (Ljubljana, Koper), Italy (Padova), Herzegovina (Mostar).

Systemic Constellation Work:

"I met with systemic constellation work in 2012 and started to integrate it in craniosacral sessions from 2015, I feel that systemic constellation unfolds slow although it is group work; but in essence the potential change will unfold in the client and this needs the time it needs."

Strongly influenced by Bert Hellinger's work as shown in the older videos.

Stephan Hausner, 6 workshops 2022, '23, '24

Stephan Hausner, Learning Circle 2023, 2024

Self study - practice - developing combination of Purecranio and Systemic work - Systemic Constellation Work in Craniosacral sessions and in groups

Updating my Cranio:

2014 -2017: After a many years of travel and practice, the updating of education became evident; eventually I included the BioDynamic approach while being very grateful to have started with the more biomechanic approach; this made it easier to work with acute cases, and it became possible to slide from one modality into the other during a session, while still focused on the request, to integrate biofield and a larger aura, or to include systemic work, spoken and silent." 

Upledger Institute Germany - CST1, CST2, SEE1 (CST3), SEE2 (CST4), CST5,

Upledger Institute Austria - CST6, Water CST

Assistances - CST1 (4x), CST2 (3x), CST3 (1x), CST4 (1x); Doing the same class with different teachers: highly recommended!

2015 - 2019: Annual 5 Day Intensives 18 therapists for 5 clients, working intensively together

These Intensives are the weeks and the work I really miss after the Upledger Germany and Austria Insitutes went more strict for the Osteopathic Approach; hopefully we can pick it up again in Croatia,

Upledger Association Austria, Intensive Program, Lilienfeld (3 times)

Upledger Association Germany, Intensive Program Kissleg (2 times)

team work for treatment of severe restrictions on table / in swimming pool

( during 5 days ... amazing results!)

Since 2020: Redeveloping Cranio into PureCranio happened gradually and started with the idea that the potential of Craniosacral work has been underestimated, and I still think it is. The least one can say is that its potential in the known application is still very much underestimated. Shaping PureCranio is an ongoing development which actually and surprisingly makes treatments more simple.


I am always delighted with giving workshops, initially the standard approach of presenting a predefined program, gradually and now only in a format that is entirely based on request from participants and inviting newcomers and experienced practitioners all together in the same workshop; with an amazing result for all.

2015 - 2024 (ongoing): 

Teaching craniosacral multiple hands techniques in Germany

Teaching Classes PureCranio in Germany, Slovenija, Croatia

Beginners and Advanced, regular weekends

2012 -2022: Systemic Constellation Work in Nepal, Germany, Slovenija, Croatia.

Since 2022: Constellation Work and workshops in Split, Sibenik and Zagreb

2016: Ljubljana: Self Help Workshops

Cooperation - Intensive Multiple Hands sessions

"I consider Multiple Hands sessions, Cooperation with other practitioners as very important; not only is it very helpful for complex requests, it allows a deeper more intensive work, and of course there is the exchange while working. I had many such cooperations, in teams, while giving supervision ... the ones with an ongoing regular occurrence in a practice are with Davorka Kale, Sibenik / Alja Zadel, Slovenija / Kathi Gaigl, Kraftort Dorfen, Germany.

From 2010 - 2015 with Suzanne Vanden Schrieck in Belgium, Nepal, Portugal     

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