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Stan Coenders
Craniosacral Relaxation
Systemic Constellations
Sessions and Education
"For years I have been carrying physical and mental burdens. Some that I did not understand either. Stan is very intuitive and gifted. By talking with me and my unconscious reviewing the self, Stan picked up the information he needed to help me going trough my journey. I experience craniosacral and constellation work. Both transformed me instantly and I could see the process carrying on for weeks. A healing experience that I recommend strongly for anyone who wants to become better. Try it, love it, recover quick. ;-)"
Cindy - Stari Grad
"... I have had four sessions with Stan altogether, and I can say that I have not had a serious headache since ..." > more
Ana – Ljubljana -- Slovenia
Jules Bretillot: So what I think is cranio, cranio is an alternative medicine which takes into account the body and the mind, to find the cause for the consequences in the body and the mind, and to try to go to the deepest of the cause, in order to deal with it in order to heal the consequence; that's what I think it is, and what I think it does, it helps to relax a lot to cool down, yeah to deal with the cause and to get the consequence much better,
Garance: Well, it's hard to go after that … What cranio is … yeah, it's a medical therapy which, for me, helps to gently and softly receiving, I don't know how to callit, fluid or energy or whatever is going on inside the body, vibrations or something, and just with your hands to feel the sounds of the body, what's going on inside the body, yeah then to find what he says the cause and the consequences, what's the beginning of the consequences, what's the beginning, what's the story, when you have the story, then you gently go to the spine, and try to relax the whole body and make it release all the tensions.
"Dear Stan, Yesterday I was examined by a neurologist and a physiatrist in Split. After a thorough examination of my body, the physiotherapist found that despite my numerous diagnoses, I am in good physical condition and clearly on the path to recovery. I received some practical tips, but it is very important to me that cranio sacral therapy has shown good results. The neurologist showed interest in cranio therapy and said she would like to show me to his patients who seek help exclusively from medication."
Sofija, StariGrad, Hvar
"Mir tut es gut, mich immer wieder daran zu erinnern in dieses tiefe, friedvolle Empfinden hineinzuspüren, dass ich hatte, während du mich behandelt hast. Zu merken, dass alles vorhanden ist, dass es nur wahrgenommen werden möchte und es dafür bestimmte Vorraussetzungen braucht. Mir hast du geholfen mich dieser feinen Weise des Hinfühlens zu öffnen, aber auch zu bemerken, wie stark der Verstand zwischendurch dagegenhält. Ich habe das Zusammensein mit Dir als zutiefst menschlich empfunden und das ist ein wahres Geschenk. Danke. " (english translation)
Martina und Luciano, Ottobrunn, Ge.
"Dear Stan, my experience with craniosacral therapy with you was very deep and beayutifull. I had some problem with my right leg and after 3 therapy all problems with this was gone. I cant explained all my feelings during terapy but it was marvellous. Thank you for all. with best regards, Ana. "
Ljubljana, Slovenija
" I am grateful to Stan for introducing me to CS therapy. It was and still is a very beneficial and gentle way to get in touch with my body and begin to listen to it. It is unbelievable how many stories and mysteries it has been unfolding for me. For me it is a never-ending learning of family emotional history and buried experiences. It has been a continuous opening to feeling and learning supported by an expert hand and gentle touch of a trusted healer and friend.
Snezana - Postojna , Slovenija
" There is an old saying: "Don't judge a book by its cover". Remember this as you lay your body down on Stan's healing platform. His words may seem sparse, but when his hands touch, they speak volumes. I sustained back to back injuries when I approached Stan for help. First, a debilitating lower back injury. Second, a minor concussion from smacking my heard against a rock. Stan treated for both injuries and both recovered completely over a short period of time. So relax, trust, open and prepare yourself for a journey that is uniquely yours. He will gently guide you through the aches and pains of the here and now, into the great beyond, and back again, subtly, yet unmistakably transformed.
James Phillip Miner, author, USA, visiting Slovenija
"Kranio sakralna terapija je v moji zavesti naredila globoke tektonske premike.
Nežno, nevsiljivo in hkrati poglobljeno je prodrla v temeljne strukture notranjega bitja in jih od znotraj navzven ozavestila skozi najboljši možen proces, povsem prilagojen mojim zmožnostim. Zdravi lahko najgloblje rane, prikliče v zavest težko dostopne vzorce, predvsem pa ves čas dela na področju celostne preventive skozi spodbujanje različnih razvojnih faz osebnosti.
Ob tem je najpomembnejše dejstvo, da je vedno lastna volja tista, ki določa hitrost, globino in smer procesa, zato je rezultat terapije v danem trenutku vedno optimalen.Terapevtski proces je del mojega vsakodnevnega življenja, saj se učinki posamezne terapije reflektirajo in integrirajo skozi daljnosežen, nenehno se spreminjajoči proces zavesti. (english translation)
Kristina, Brezovica, Slovenija
"The experience with Stan and the cranio therapy is beyond excellence, beyond words and anything else that I've previously experienced in my life, both on physical and emotional level. Before I met him, and got to know the holistic approach of healing, I was faced with an enormous physical pain and emotional barriers which has prevented the normal function of my body flows. What has Stan done for me, with only 6 sessions, is ... (+ more)
Katja, Ljubljana, Slovenija
"Stan has an amazing sense for understanding the connection between your body and your mind. I came to see him because of my chronic gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome which was really terrible at the time. He helped me tremendously. Not only in calming my body but also making my mind more relaxed. Very holistic approach. I would have never finished my PhD which I was doing at the time if it was not for sessions with him. Thanks again for all your work Stan."
Barbara, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Not all reviews are written, this one is from a brilliant and curious young lady after a first session. At first she talked via her mother, then I showed her mother how to do the techniques, and only then she allowed cranio hands on and became very clear in her findings about her sinuses. For sure an impressive way of trying cranio! And it assured us all that her permission was genuine! Thank you, Ramani!
" ... The first meeting with Stan was impressive; I felt strongly that I would find what I was looking for. Years before this meeting I had recognized that something keeps me from living a full life. I lacked inner strength, felt weak and suffered diseases with knowing why. I had tried various other therapies and ... (more & german)
Priska - Weilheim - Germany
" ... Ich habe seit mehreren Jahren einen sichtbaren Schiefstand im unteren Kiefer, von dem ich nie wusste woher er kam. Als ich Stan kennenlernte, meinte man könnte diesen behandeln. ... Ich habe von Stan gelernt, dass unser Körper ein eigenes Gedächtnis hat. Das alle Erlebnisse parallel zu unserm Kopf auch irgendwo im Körper gespeichert sind. Wenn wir etwas gedanklich vergessen oder verdrängen dann ... (more + english)
Maria - Munich - Germany
"I did 5 sessions of cranio therapy with Stan and the result is already for me really impressive. Even if I have been helped by osteopaths and chiropracteurs these last 5 years, it's the first time for many years that I have so much flexibility in the neck, that my contractions there are so little. I'm also much better in the bottom of the back. Stan works with really gentle touch, without big mouvements or big pressure, and it works. He also made me going into psychologic work once and it seemed that it worked : it was probably the most effective cranio session. I'm grateful to Stan and more and more interested in cranio therapy."
Anna - Ankaran - Slovenia
"I came to Stan with no expectations, just curiosity. The first treatment brought deep relaxation. After two or three treatments Stan sensed old emotions (undissolved mourning) I wasn’t aware about till then. Emotions that have blocked me in specific situations at work, something I was certainly aware about. The treatment and talking about the old emotions, made me process them and coping better at work. Stan also improved my nightly nose blockage. Now I sleep with more comfort. I am very glad, Stan introduced craniosacral therapy in my life. He is kind, caring and interested. His treatments improved my happiness and well being."
Carla - Leiden - Netherlands
"Lovely workshop and time. My friends and I really enjoyed it. As for the next ones I am interested in continuation."
Nuno - Lisbon - Portugal
"Just a quick note to try to express how grateful and amazed I am with your work. It is almost magical, and very profound. I hope we have the chance to meet again, so I can continue to be touched by your caring and transformative hands, as well as learn a bit more about what exactly you do."
Deborah- Bouddha - Nepal
" ... as said, it was good to have the treatment in your hands.
Christophe - Cascais - Portugal

Darja Klancar

Sabina Mai
