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stan coenders +386 30 455 655
stan coenders +386 30 455 655
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Craniosacral Techniques
Systemic Constellations
Stan Coenders
Date and Time announcement follows soon.
9.30 - cca. 17.30
(Lunch from 12.30-13.30
short coffee/tea breaks inbetween)
Open for 'newcomers' and for advanced.
Maximum group size: 10
Reserve your place by email
and receive full details
140,- for two days
Advance: 25,-
After receiving the full registration and advance, you will receive details about the workshop and it is possible to discuss the personal request via phone or Viber.
This 2-day Intensive is again based on the requests of you as a participant and will also address amongst other the following topics in hands-on craniosacral work and discussion:
What for can I use PureCranio?
Exchange between experienced and newcomers and practical work. Principles of PureCranio.
Touch. Touch is unique and authentic; Even when applying a standard hand position one can apply various approaches to a touch that looks always the same but has in fact vary different results.
Fascia Is fascinating; What is it, its secret treasures, and how to recognize it by Touch in Craniosacral Work.
Handpositions; In this weekend once more craniosacral handpositions for the head, sensing of movements, and deeper work.
The Helper Position (& Helper Syndrome) is most often taken for granted; what is the position of the practitioner?