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Date and Time announcement follows soon.

9.30 - cca. 17.30

(Lunch from 12.30-13.30

short coffee/tea breaks inbetween)

Open for 'newcomers' and for advanced.

Maximum group size: 10

Reserve your place by email

and receive full details


140,- for two days

Advance: 25,-


After receiving the full registration and advance, you will receive details about the workshop and it is possible to discuss the personal request via phone or Viber.

2dayintensive purecranio information follows soon.jpg

This 2-day Intensive is again based on the requests of you as a participant and will also address amongst other the following topics in hands-on craniosacral work and discussion:

What for can I use PureCranio?

Exchange between experienced and newcomers and practical work. Principles of PureCranio.

Touch. Touch is unique and authentic; Even when applying a standard hand position one can apply various approaches to a touch that looks always the same but has in fact vary different results.

Fascia Is fascinating; What is it, its secret treasures, and how to recognize it by Touch in Craniosacral Work.

Handpositions; In this weekend once more craniosacral handpositions for the head, sensing of movements, and deeper work.

The Helper Position (& Helper Syndrome) is most often taken for granted; what is the position of the practitioner?

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