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purecranio combines many approaches

PureCranio education

"I have always been amazed about the intelligence of all the muscles, bones, tissues. It is all so connected, so much in communication. To teach that, to show how to connect with all that intelligence as a practitioner, to feel how a whole group of people connects with these deep levels of awareness … "

"Cranio, can anyone learn this?"

Anyone can learn the basics in a very short time, within a weekend even. Many experience the first weekend as an initiation because the secret of cranio is immediately transmitted. To apply a full range of craniosacral techniques one needs to study; a basic protocol can be learned also in a few weekends and one is ready to practice and develop further skills for relaxation. What follows are Advanced workshops."


Teaching in Small groups:

PureCranio workshops are designed as a mindful journeys to develop the proper use of craniosacral techniques, somato-emotional dialogue and additional techniquesfor small groups of maximum 10 participants. Workshops are based on personal requests.

Teachings are open to all:

With newcomers and experienced practioners joining we have exceptional opportunity for exchange and learning in a lively dynamic setting. Following the workshops can lead to becoming assistant, to have supervision where teaching becomes a one to one experience, and working together might develop from it.

Tailored to requests:

Workshops are tailored to the requests of the participants, allowing us to explore through real time questions and issues all the possibilities that PureCranio offers, and to give participants both theory and practice. Requests and questions will be addressed in a logical order from basic to complex. This allows for intensive work in a calm pace. All workshops and classes are open for everyone regrdless of levels. If you doubt whether or not to participate please do contact us. 

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Affirmative teaching:

A unique way of affirmative teaching promises very interesting days of experiencing and learning and form a secure basis to use the learned in the all day life. The effect of the many exercises equals the effect of normal craniosacral sessions with the difference that these exercises can be applied at home.  

Comprehensive teaching:

All PureCranio workshops and classes provide basic and advanced techniques and understanding of cranio, accompanied by physiologic theory and safety instructions. 

And one more question often asked:

"Can cranio be applied anywhere? Yes, generally speaking; the environment has to be calm, in nature, in a room, a comfortable place. Of course one has to consider the purpose of the session in relation to the qualities of the space."

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Stan Coenders,

PureCranio - Craniosacral Relaxation & Systemic Constellation Work

00386 30 455 655

 © 2020 Stan Coenders,  for all texts and images

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