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stan coenders

A certain hierarchy in a cranio session? Yes!

“In a normal and healthy body the forces feel symmetric in a relaxed manner. If not there must be a compensation in order to walk upright and a straight line. Many clients come to treat the compensations, let's be honest about that. What I do first of is checking for a 'vectorial pattern'.

Checking for a pattern is a search for forces that compromise the symmetry and with that the relaxation. Usually it feels as if a complex of forces is pulling the body into asymmetry. Such a complex points to a place in the body, a fulcrum, where the sum of all the forces is zero. (The two arms of a balance meet in the middle where they neutralize each other). Each of these forces, or at least those which the clients' mind wants the client and the practitioner to know for that moment, should be 'mapped' as precise as possible.

Each of these forces may have a different origin, either be be part of the causal complex, the masking complex, or the compensating complex. Cranio offers different techniques to work with such a fulcrum as well as with each of these forces. There is a hierarchy in the treatment which should be observed, and cranio usually follows the directions given by the body and mind, literally follows the push and pull within tissues.

For quick results, for instance in acute and painful situations, we map and treat the forces which are often on the physical level. For lasting results, desired in chronic situations, or after the acute pain is relieved, we treat the fulcrum and the complexes that work on it. This may involve the mind, emotions, trauma and much more, and although by far not always, it is often more complex indeed.

Let me give an example. Someone came with a difficulty to walk. Lifting the leg made the foot turn inward. Relaxing the leg would turn the foot back to normal. This tract was exercised autonomous with every step. Cranio sessions had found an end to such sessions for the following weeks, and there had not been an improvement. I engaged in the foot's activity out of curiosity, outside the field of cranio. Then I found one trigger point, then another one, then fifteen at least, widely spread. Each had the same effect: the foot would jump quickly inwards. Trigger point techniques are not applied within cranio. I thought that the years of physio and other therapies had sufficiently explored the problem, as trigger points are well known. They had never been adressed and the strong influence is beyond the possibilities of cranio which works with gentle pressure. A physio and a massage therapist were invited to work with the trigger points: First the trigger points, and then a deep cranio session. First the physical forces, then the fulcrums.

Another example: While carefully treating a man who had suffered a stroke years earlier showed little improvement in becoming more mobile. Mapping the forces I found: A tension around the trachea as a result from judo classe at around his tenth year and trigger points above one ankle as a result from the fall while having the stroke. These tensions needed to be released first. His body sends me there after an examination of a vectorial complex, from a cranio perspective. Being sick of the ongoing 'no result' treatments, and very sceptic about 'this cranio', he came to find that there is a positive feeling to what is happening.

Treating trigger points is a delicate job. With the first case I could apply moderate to good pressure and follow the procedure to its end, but with the second I could (and should!) only very gently touch these points, because we don't want any risk after a stroke.

Mapping the tensions and the fulcrums is an important stage in the cranio session. The

next step is to plan the hierarchy. Not all tensions stem from the same time, the same cause or have the same function or importance. I find it fascinating, each time again. And the clients love to hear the explanation, based on logic findings.”

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