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PureCranio and Systemic Constellation Work aim at gently releasing and untangling from what has long been hidden or held in stasis

PureCranio for the Cranium 1 , Split, 8,9 February

PureCranio 2dayintensive Feb 25.jpg

PureCranio for the Cranium 2, March '25

PureCranio and Systemic Constellation Work are non invasive gentle ways to find a cause for and release from many restrictions which can be very physical, or vague, or deemed idopathic, aka to to release from a feeling of 'standing still', or stasis.

PureCranio uses a gentle hands-on touch to address restrictions with silent (tissue, rhythm) and/or spoken dialogue between practitioner and receiver, whether about physical, emotional, somato-emotional, or systemic issues. PureCranio uses a variety of approaches to address a variety of requests.


Systemic Constellation Work rarely uses touch but instead representations of aspects of a request. Aspects are represented in a group by participants or with figurines in an individual constellation. PureCranio and Systemic Constellation Work are very connected.

Craniosacral Therapy or Craniosacral Relaxation?

To my personal opinion ... read more in the blog



Restrictions follow upon a decision at any possible level and at a given moment under a certain circumstance. Very often the aspects of such a decision remain unrecognized and unknown to the conscious mind. PureCranio and Systemic Constellation Work serve well to release boundaries that keep restrictions in place. 

Why work on such deep levels? If, for instance, the physical condition after an accident is not well restored, the self healing may only take partially place. Often a partly healed lesion will eventually result in a set of restrictions which combines the non healed part with compensations. 


This can be easily understood for real time solely physical accidents, for instance from sports; it needs more abstract imagination to apply this idea to emotional restrictions, or restrictions which express through for instance nervousness or auto immune diseases.

PureCranio generally deals with physical restrictions; somato-emotional cranio deals with emotions, nervousness, idiopathic complaints. Systemic Constellation Work combined with a different type or level of PureCranio deals with causes related to intimate environments such as family or peer groups.


In PureCranio sessions we respect both the principles of self healing and the request of the client.


In PureCranio workshops and classes we teach how to work with the inherent principles of both approaches; there we find that possibilities are without borders and next to find the borders of 'the genre' we chose to live in. Awareness expands, choice remains with ourselves.


Both the sessions and workshops/classes aim to activate and enhance the self healing capacity of your body and mind, to lead to a new vision, insight and from there to a solution for the restriction that brought you to a session.


Sensing a deep relaxation is half the work … to accept and integrate the relaxation the other half. It's worth the journey!

Stan Coenders,

PureCranio - Craniosacral Relaxation & Systemic Constellation Work

00386 30 455 655

 © 2020 Stan Coenders,  for all texts and images

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